
Slack messaging
Slack messaging

OK, so you now know that your boss has the ability to read your direct messages. However, if it says that "Workspace Owners can also export messages and files from private channels and direct messages," then your corporate overlords have the ability to pull your direct messages. If the page only says that public data can be exported, your DMs are safe from your boss. While signed into Slack in a web browser, head to /account/team and then click on "Retention & Exports." Scroll down to "What data can my admins access," and you'll have your answer. Determining if this setting is enabled is the first step in keeping your DMs secret.

slack messaging

One is that with the paid version, your boss might be able to read your direct messages.

slack messaging

This differs from the free version - which, say, your D&D crew might utilize to coordinate campaigns and meet ups - in several important ways. If you're using Slack for work, chances are it's a paid plan. And while you may not have a choice in whether you use the tool, you do have the option to lock its privacy settings down to mitigate any fallout before it's too late. The communications platform that many have come to rely on for both work and staying in touch with friends is, like most things online, a potential privacy disaster waiting to happen. Your trash talking DMs, your business plans made with the boss, numerous untold corporate musings - they all fill the San Francisco-based company's servers, waiting to be viewed by a nosey CEO, a skilled hacker (Opens in a new tab), or the entire world.

slack messaging

It's a (Opens in a new tab) Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge, and we're just living in it.

Slack messaging